Find Bioretention and Raingarden Soil of the Highest Quality?

The concept of a raingarden is gradually increasing in popularity across the country as more and more local governments look to integrate smart and sustainable techniques of water treatment into regional planning programs. A raingarden or a bioretention basin is defined as a depression upon which particular species of plants are grown that have the purpose of collecting water from rainfall through the use of raingarden or bioretention soil. Raingarden soil is a particular composite type of soil aids in the filtering and treatment of the stormwater that it absorbs. Therefore, a raingarden is meant to absorb and filter out pollutants in the rainwater that could be harmful to the natural and the general environment.
Kurtz Nursery and Topsoil is a soil supply and delivery company based in the St. Louis area. We have been in business for over 50 years and have gained a substantial amount of experience with regard to landscape and topsoil supply. We can supply an extensive range of types of topsoil, including bioretention and raingarden soil. Engineered soils like raingarden soils need to undergo extensive testing before they can be approved for use, and we ensure our soils meet the required specifications.
To learn more about raingarden soil or to purchase any of our soil for sale, contact us today online or by phone at (636)332-1928.
What is Raingarden or Bioretention Soil?
The ultimate purpose of a raingarden is to capture stormwater runoff using a special engineered soil so the water can be treated for pollutants before being safely discharged through a sewer line or used to boost plant growth on the surface. Raingarden soil or bioretention soil is rich in chemicals that are able to neutralize high levels of organic compounds, metals, pesticides and other pollutants. A raingarden essentially acts as a filter for stormwater so that the native soil in the area does not experience contamination. Moreover, rain gardens are effective in storing stormwater during periods where sewer lines are over-used and flooding.

While a raingarden is certainly a functional landscape feature that is hugely beneficial in treating rainwater for harmful chemicals, it is also aesthetically pleasing on the surface. Raingarden soil, despite being rich in pollutant neutralizing chemicals, is also able to support the growth of particular species of plants. Typically, plants that are able to withstand heavy flooding, and low levels of soil drainage are grown in a raingarden. Raingardens are often built in and around areas that experience heavy flooding during rains and are in close proximity with sewer pipes, so that the excess water can be drained safely.
How does Raingarden Soil Work?
Raingarden soil is filled with chemicals that stimulate the processes naturally observed in forests. Therefore, raingarden soil can help remove excessive quantities of nitrogen, phosphorus, or other sediments that are detrimental to the fertility of soil and the growth of plants on the surface. There are two types of raingardens that use bioretention soil – underdrained and self-contained.
- Underdrained Raingarden: An underdrained rain garden is used when the stormwater is not going to be consumed or dispersed into the surrounding native soil. Instead, the raingarden soil will be connected to a sewer pipe system and will gradually discharge the treated stormwater through these pipes. This kind of raingarden is typically used when the soil around the garden is already contaminated. The kind of raingarden soil used in under-drained raingardens is extremely porous in nature allowing an increased rate of drainage.
- Self-Contained Raingarden: A self-contained raingarden, on the other hand, will be made with bioretention soil that has a lower rate of drainage. Therefore, the soil absorbs and holds moisture until it slowly spreads or evaporates. As a consequence, plants that are grown on the surface of a self-contained raingarden must be able to tolerate prolonged periods of wetness.
Meeting the High Standards of Bioretention and Raingarden Soil
Kurtz Nursery is one of St. Louis’ leading suppliers of raingarden and bioretention soils. Our raingarden soils meet the Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District specifications, and tests on the soil are performed every thirty days to ensure compliance. Two independent soil analysis laboratories perform the soil test and the percolation test, respectively. The soil analysis test consists of ph, organic matter, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, cation exchange capacity, and particle-size analysis. The particle-size analysis determines the percent of sand, silt, and clay that is present within a soil sample.
Get Bioretention and Raingarden Soil in St. Louis
With our experience and knowledge in landscaping and plant growth, we can advise you on how to go about making a fully functional raingarden, and we can provide you with any quantity of raingarden soil for which you may have a need. Contact us at (636)332-1928 to learn more.